Monday, January 4, 2010

Ready Or Not

Rev. Wayne E. Sova

The New Year is upon us. Whether we are ready or not - time marches on. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Dost thou love life? Then waste not time, for time is the stuff that life is made of." As we meet the New Year of 2010 let us be reminded of the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "What is time? The shadow on the dial, the striking of the clock, the running of the sand, day and night, summer and winter, months, years, centuries. These are but arbitrary and outward signs, that is to say, the measure of time and not time itself. Time is the life of the soul."

Let us consider that the supply of our time is a daily miracle, When we awake in the morning, we have within our possession twenty-four hours in which we can spend in a variety of pursuits. "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Time and tide wait for no man, so states an English proverb and once it has past cannot be reclaimed. We should not just make time but use time to make our mark.

"I have only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it. I didn't seek it, didn't choose it - but it's up to me to use it and give account if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute but eternity is in it." Therefore, let us fill our time with that which lasts. Each moment holds an opportunity to make our mark, sharing in an act of kindness as well as engaging ourselves in meaningful growth experiences. "The clock of life is wound but once. No man has the power to tell where the hands will stop be it a late or an early hour." The present is our won. So live, love, toil as we will. Live for today not tomorrow. For tomorrow the clock may be still."

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Recipe for Christian Stewards

Rev. Sova gave me this "recipe" that he wrote for our stewardship campaign last fall and edited it for our church cookbook. (NOTE ON THE COOKBOOK - publishing dates have changed. Target availability- Mother's Day 2010)

"A Recipe for Christian Stewards"

Two graham crackers

a marshmallow

a chocolate bar


Toast the marshmallow and place it with the chocolate bar between the two graham crackers. Now, behold you have created a special treat, one that you'll adore. So more you'll want to eat, That's why we call it "S'more"

This is a recipe for Stewardship

The ingredients are:

"Our Time"

"Our Talents"

"Our Tithe"

Now, blend these together in your heart. But be sure to season them with:

Love for God

Love for others

using the measurements that Jesus Christ prescribews. When kindled by His Spirit, behold the heavenly treasure we create that serves the cause of Christ. Our world hungers for the love of Christ and, as Stewards of His church, it becomes nourished through our willingness to become stewards - willing servants of His amazing grace.

In thinking about the "Recipe for Christian Stewarship", let us commit ourselves to love God "S'more" and praise God "S'more". When we reach out beyond ourselves as the Church of Jesus Christ and fill those who hunger for righteousness with the Gospel, would it not be glorious to hear them say, "Thank you for sharing your faith and love of Christ, we'd like to receive "S'more". The day may come when they will then share "S'more" with others as we have shared with them.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Feel Like Food Network

We are in the midst of putting together a church cookbook. The plan is to sell the finished books and raise some needed funds for our ladies/mens group - The Frauen Verein/Fellowship Group. This will probably be one of the last things at the church to carry the name "Frauen Verein". This group has been in existance (in various forms) for almost as long as the church (over 165+years). The name means, simply, "Gathering of Women". The group voted to change their name last year and will soon be know as "The Fellowship Group". They did this because they have incorporated the husbands of the women into the group - and the name didn't fit anymore.

Enough of that. Recipes were sought beginning in January of this year - they started coming in VERY slowly - they have picked up speed slightly - and thanks to MANY members and former members - it looks like we'll have a GREAT book. We are also reprinting recipes from a few earlier church cookbooks - great recipes that only a few of us have and some from members that have passed away.

Now comes the "Food Network" part. All these recipes coming in - and my looking up different recipes that "I've always wanted"- I am beginning to feel like a "test kitchen". Not complaining - ILOVE IT!

My daughter, Caitlyn has many of the recipes entered on her computer and we still have a stack to enter.

Titles are being suggested by our members, and will be voted on on Sunday, September 13 at our coffee hour after church.

When prices are decided upon - I'll make a note on the blog for anyone who would like to place an order to contact me.

That's all for now,


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Thomas Acquinas

"Give us, O God, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection my drag downwards; give us an unconquerable heart, which no tribulation can wear out; give us an upright heart, which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon us also, O Lord our God, understanding to know Thee, diligence to seek Thee, wisdom to find Thee and a faithfulness that may finally embrace Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recognition & Appreciation

St. Paul's has housed The Upper Room day shelter for homeless men, women, and children since March of 1995. As a "daytime shelter", the third floor of our building, which was originally Sunday School classrooms, has become a haven for the homeless to come in for coffee, maybe a donut, conversation, and shelter from both the cold and the heat. Many of its visitors use our street address as their own - so that they have a mailing address. The staff is ENTIRELY volunteer and comes from several churches and the community.

On July 17, 2009, Erie County Executive Mark A. DiVecchio signed a Citation recognizing St.Paul's United Church of Christ, St. Patrick's Parish and the volunteers for their dedication in providing this service to the homeless of our area.

One in Hope and Doctrine

by Rev. Wayne Sova

Someone once asked me, "What religion are you?" I immediately responded saying, "I am a Christian!" Again, he said, "No, that's not what I want to know; what religion are you?" I knew then that his question and my answer were proverbial forks in the road that is littered with breakdowns in communication. He sought from me not my religion, but rather, in a sectarian way, desiredto know whether I was Roman Catholic or Protestant. However, my intention was to claim my faith based upon my commitment to Jesus Chirst in union with every believer who confesses Him as Lord and Savior.

As Christians, the Apostle Paul reminds us that to be the Church, we are the Body of Christ with Christ, the Head. There is but one body to whom we belong, for in the words of the glorious hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" we sing, "We are not divided, all one body we, one in hope and doctrine, one in charity." Regretfully, we are not truly 'one' as the Church of Jesus Christ is separated doctrinally and communally. I wonder what our Lord would say to His Church regarding the divisions that break His Body into sectarian pieces. As Christians, let our prayers be raised to heal the brokenness and restore the unity of our faith. Let us rediscover that 'tie that binds hearts in Christian love', so that when the Lord comes again, His Church will be whole.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Struggling with THE SPIRES

Morning - or almost afternoon,

Usually I have no trouble getting the print newsletter together. This month, however, is VERY DIFFERENT. I don't want to miss anything and it seems that I don't have half of the information that I need. Don't know if it's the heat (it's 85 in my office - even though it's mid 70's outside) or my lack of caffeine that's causing this. Frustrating!!!
Hopefully that will change in the next few days or I'll be a week late - not that anyone is REALLY ready for September anyhow.